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Adding Payments

To add a payment, go to the Payments (Accounting) or Payments (Management) menu. 


You can also add a payment from the Estimate page by clicking Add Costs (Payment).


A payment window will pop up. It has three main blocks: General, Commission Fee and Management Accounting. 


The top block contains general Payment (Accounting) details, i.e. the accounting details of the payment, including the payer, payee, amount, date, contract, payment reference. 


The payment date is a required field that can be filled in either manually or by selecting from the calendar (click the calendar icon). For your convenience, there are quick fill links on the right. If you click on them, today's or yesterday's date will be automatically entered. 


The payment number will be automatically assigned by the system. If you need to set payment numbers manually, you can enable this feature by going to the Project Settings and checking Permit to edit payment numbers. Learn more in the Project Settings module.


This field indicates our payer company. Select a company from the drop-down list or add a new one by clicking the "plus" icon to the right of the field. For your convenience, the system will suggest the most frequently used companies to the right of the field, and you can select the one you need in a single click. 


As a company may have several bank accounts, you have to specify the payer account. After you fill in the Source field, the system will show invoices related to the selected company. You can also add a new one by clicking the plus icon. 


Payment type 
The Payment Type field is a system field used for the purposes of Commission Fee options below. In most cases you don't need to change anything, just use Wire Transfer for all wire transfers. Specify Unknown only for out-of-pocket expenses and other similar payments. 


Contractor (Accounting)
Select a payee. It is the accounting recipient, and managerial breakdowns are made in the Management Accounting block below. You can select a contractor from the list of contractors existing in the system, or add a new one. The system will also show the most frequently used contractors to the right of the field. 


After you have filled in the Source and Contractor fields, the system will show a list of all contracts between these two companies available in the system in the Contract field. If the contract was not entered in the system, you can add it by clicking the plus icon to the right of the field. 


Commission Fee
Then proceed to the Commission Fee block. By default, the system will select the Commission Fee Included type (e.g. it is relevant for all payments to sole entrepreneurs). By default, the CF contractor will be set to match the Contractor (Accounting). It is the correct accounting option, so this field does not need to be changed. Select the Commission Fee rate from the drop-down list or enter the exact Commission Fee amount manually in the appropriate field. 


Management Accounting
The Management Accounting Breakdown block allows to allocate the accounting payment to several cost estimate items/payees (for management accounting). For example, if you allocate a lighting foreman’s fee + lighting fee + equipment rental cost to the sole entrepreneur (foreman), you can break down the payment amount accordingly. 


For your convenience, the system can automatically create an accrual linked to a Payment (Accounting). For example, if you made a one-off payment (3,000 RUB) for cleaning the premises and do not want to create this accrual manually, just check the Accrual checkbox in the corresponding line, select the accrual type in the drop-down list, i.e. One-Off or Shooting Day, and save it. 


To unlink the accrual, go to the Payment page and click Unlink Accrual in the Autocharge block on the right. The accrual will be unlinked, but not deleted from the system.


In addition, you can indicate in this block that this contractor is a reporting party. To do so, check the RP box. 


To disable changes in the payment, check the Check/Fix Payments box. Other users will not be able to edit this payment. It is a useful feature, if you have a financial controller or other employee who checks the project inputs. 


A user who has permission to block payments will only be able to unblock a payment.