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Adding and Editing an Accrual

Accruals are considered to be costs actually incurred by the company (regardless of their payment) and included in your debt to contractors. Learn more in this module.


The system provides several ways to add accruals: 
- In the Accruals list
- On the Cost Estimate page (Add Costs --> Add Accruals)
- On the Cost Estimate page in the Shooting Day Accruals form (Add Costs --> Shooting Day Accruals)
- Automatically when adding a payment


Let us consider the first two cases
Go to the Accrued Costs menu and click Add Accruals. 


Enter the relevant cost item in the pop-up window. 


If necessary, indicate the unit number. It is an optional field, but if you have several units, this information will later allow to filter the costs only for a specific unit. 


The Contractor (Management) field is required. It is an individual or legal entity to whom the company owes money. 


Next, select the cost type (we will discuss each type in more detail in a dedicated module). It will determine the set of required fields.


If you select one-off or shooting day costs, enter the accrual amount. 


If necessary, you can break down this amount by the Number of persons/units * Rate per person/unit. 


Then indicate the date of accrual. For one-off and shooting day costs, it is a specific date when the cost was recorded. For periodic accruals, it is a range (see below). 


If you select a Monthly or Daily accrual type, specify the amount for the month or day and the first date of this accrual. We advise to not indicate the end date of the accrual if it is still unknown (select the Open Date in this field). In this case, the system will accrue this cost until you deliberately end this cost accrual. Otherwise (for example, if you indicate in advance that you will have a stage until the end of the month), there is a risk that the system will stop accruing the cost at the end of the month, while you actually extend the lease and forget to adjust this information. As a result, the cost in the system will not correspond to the actual one. 


Then proceed to the Accounting block, where you have to specify the Contractor (Accounting) and the Commission Fee (if necessary). The Contractor (Accounting) is the recipient of the funds specified in the accrual. 


The new accrual will be added to the list. There is a more convenient quick add form allowing for entering shooting day costs for the entire shooting day. Click Shooting Day Costs to proceed to the form. This form can also be opened by selecting the Enter Shooting Day Costs menu.


Select the shooting date. For more convenient navigation, use the calendar on the left.


If the cost of a shooting day was accrued, such days will be highlighted in green.


Click on the relevant shooting day. To add a new accrual, you no longer need to open a large window, just add one row in the table. Use one row per one accrual. Enter the required information the same way as the data in the pop-up window when adding the accrual.


Rows can be created either manually or using the Copy Row feature. The system will copy the entered accrual and you can adjust (if necessary) and save the data.


In addition to row copies, there is a Copy Shooting Day feature. You can copy the full list of accruals for another date by clicking Copy for Another Date. Select the date to copy the accruals and click Copy. Make changes (if necessary) and click Save.


This form has a useful Import from Scheduling Module feature.


Learn more about it in a dedicated module.


Then return to the list of accruals. To find the required accrual, use the filter or quick search by item name, contractor or note.


To edit the accrual, click on it in the list. 


You can also sort accruals by type and upload the result in Excel format by clicking Export.


You can delete or copy the accrual by clicking on the red "X" or arrow, respectively. The Repeat arrow works similarly to copying a row in the Shooting Day Accruals form. It makes a full copy of the accrual and allows to edit it.