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Adding Contracts

FilmToolz allows to manage project contracts, store scans and monitor the certificates. 


To add a contract, select Contracts in the Contracts and Certificates menu.

Add a new contract by clicking Add Contract.


Required fields are Date, Number, Company and Contractor. Other fields are optional. You can select companies and contractors from the list. 


If companies and contractors are not on the list, add them by clicking the plus icon and populate the Name field. Other fields are optional. 


If the contract price is unknown at the moment, you can check Contract price is not set, use the forecast and enter the forecast amount. The contract will be greyed out in the main list. It will allow you to subsequently verify that such contracts are closed at the end of the project. 


When a contract is added, it is assigned a Not Signed status by default. At this point, you can remove the status or select another one and add a new one by clicking the plus icon. Save the contract.


You can also add a status in the Approvals item of the Contracts and Certificates menu.


To add a new status, select Add Status.


Enter the status name and select a colour by clicking the square icon on the right. 


The contract will be shown in the Contracts table. Contract with the forecast price is greyed out.


You can customize the view of the Contracts table by turning the columns on and off. You can also drag and drop columns to change their sequence and adjust their width. 


If you click on the contract, the Contract page pops up. In addition to previous inputs, it also contains information about payments made under the contract. It is also possible to attach files (word, pdf, etc.) and certificates to the contract. 


You can also export all contracts to an Excel file.  

Contracts and Certificates