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Adding Advance Report

To add an advance report, select the Advance Reports section in the Reporting Parties menu. 


Next, click Add Advance Report.


On the pop up page, enter the date, number and select a reporting party.


Next, click Add Payment and enter the data, including the amount, Contractor and item, and indicate the write-off item. Next to the write-off item, the reported balance of the item before or after the write-off is shown. If the reporting party was given funds without an item, it can be omitted.


Reported write-offs from items
If the payment is written off from several items where the reporting party has a balance, click Add button and split the amount. 


You can add multiple payments at once by clicking Add Payment. After saving, their numbers from the single list of payments will be displayed next to the payments. 


Additional advances to other reporting parties
You can add a disbursement payment to a contractor and specify that it becomes a reporting party. To do so, populate the fields and check the R/P box.  


Automatic accruals
When adding a payment, you can also add an accrual by clicking Start and selecting the type from the proposed list (either Shooting Day or One-Off accrual). 


Commission Fee 
When making reported payments, the system automatically adds a virtual Commission Fee for them, i.e. allocates previously paid Commission Fees to items in the advance report. 


Link payments to advance reports
You can also add a payment to the advance report on the Payment page by selecting the advance report number in the corresponding field. After saving, this payment will be shown on the corresponding Advance Report page.