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Cash Flow

After adding the plan, you can add a cash flow for any item or allocate all the funds of the parent item. To do so, right-click on the item and select Add Cash Flow on the cost estimate page. 


The cash flow is planned and does not affect anything. It is used for visual allocation of funds, approximate estimates of the amount to be paid per month / week / day or project periods. 


Alternatively, click Cash Flow at the end of the table next to the required item.


You will see a window where you can set payment dates. In the upper left corner, planned information is displayed for the item, including a shooting day cost, number of shooting days/months and the number of employees. If you are adding a cash flow to a parent item, only the name of the item will be displayed in this field. 


Payment dates can be set in three ways: 


Enter dates manually. You set the payment dates and the amount. To add a new date, click Add. The system will also display the outstanding balance for the item. Click Save. Such allocation is not suitable for parent items as they require manually entered amounts. 


Uniform allocation. You set the payment period and select the allocation by month, week or day. Click Save.


You will see a table with the funds allocated to this period. 


If you want to adjust this cash flow, click Edit. 


You can change the amount and add another payment. 


Periodic payments. You also set the period and select a payment type. Click Save.


You will see a cash flow that can also be changed by clicking Edit.


If you no longer need a cash flow, you can delete it by clicking Clear Cash Flow. 


After adding a schedule, you can view it on the Cost Estimate page. To do so, select month, week or period in the drop-down menu in the Cash Flow section.


Separate Month and Year columns will be added to the cost estimate.


Click on the arrow in the column name to see the payment dates. 


If you allocate funds by periods, you will see three columns (PP (preproduction period), SP (shooting period) and PPP (postproduction period)) added by default in the project settings.   


You can also open the cash flow as a separate report. To do so, go to the Cost Estimate menu and select Cash Flow. 


You will see a report where you can see the allocations for all items by month, week and day.