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Debt Report

To open the Debt Report, select Debt Report in the Reports menu. 


The report displays all payables of your company by months grouped by cost estimate items and contractors. The payables are calculated as the difference between the accrued to date and paid costs. 


For your convenience, you can switch the data grouping mode (either Items / Contractors or Contractors / Items). The toggle is located in the upper right corner of the report. 


By default, only items and contractors with non-zero payables are included in the report. To display zero fields as well, click Filter and select All.


You can also set the view by half months instead of full months. 


The data in the report are generated as follows. The system collects all accruals and, if there are payments, writes off the payables from earlier months to later ones. 


Example. Assume there are monthly accruals amounting to 100,000 RUB from January to June for the Production Director, and two payments of 75,000 RUB were made. With account of these payments, the payables will be zero for January and 50,000 RUB for February. When you hover over the total payables, you will see a pop-up window with all accruals and payments. 


By default, contractor data is displayed in the context of management reporting. To generate a report by accounting contractors, switch the grouping mode to Contractor (Accounting). 


In addition, all data is displayed with the Commission Fee by default. To display data without the CF, select the appropriate checkbox.