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Cost Limit Recording

When you made a cost estimate and entered the planned indicators, you can record these data. 


After this operation, a new Limit column will be added to the cost estimate and highlighted in yellow. The former Plan column will be named Forecast. Use it to refine the project cost estimate. 


By clicking the Columns setting button, you can also view some more "yellow" columns in the cost estimate, including the Limit Rate, Limit Amount and others. They will contain the data that you entered before in the Plan, Rate, Quantity and other columns.


Having recorded the cost limit, you can proceed to editing the Forecast depending on new inputs until the shooting is completed. Thus, you will see how the updated forecast diverges from the initially approved limit.  


To set the limit, click Additional Actions and select Lock Cost Estimate on the Cost Estimate page. 


You will see a warning window. Read the message and click OK. 


As a result of the operation, a yellow Limit column and a lock icon will be added near the Cost Estimate title meaning that the estimate is "locked". Other new yellow limit columns will be created, such as Limit Term, Limit Rate, Limit Amount, etc. To enable other limit columns, click Columns in the right corner and select the required columns.   


If you need to change the data in the Forecast column, click on the figure in this column or the item title. These changes will be displayed in the cost estimate, but the limit will not change. For example, let us change the planned allocation date in an item.


We see that the planned figures have changed, but the limit data remained the same. 


The limit does not affect cost estimate operations, items can also be moved, you can change data and add new items. However, you can not delete the original items with "locked" limit data. Items added after locking and not active in the Limit can be deleted. 


Limit Editing
If necessary, you can edit Limit data. To do so, right-click on the item and select Edit Limit in the pop-up menu. 


You will see an editing window, where you can reduce the number of shooting days, etc. 


Limit Variables Editing
If necessary, you can edit variables both in the Forecast and Limit. To do so, select the relevant menu. 


You will see two tables where you can enter new Limit or Forecast values. For example, let us change the number of shooting days in the Limit. 


Values of items where these variables are used have been updated.


You can similarly change the project periods in the corresponding menu. 


You can also edit a new item without a limit and add data on this item by clicking Edit Limit. 


If necessary, you can unlock the cost estimate by clicking Unlock Cost Estimate. 


As a result of this operation, the existing cost limit and all [yellow] columns associated with it will be deleted. The estimate will revert to its usual appearance. All variables and project periods will match the Forecast values, and the added items will retain the Forecast values.


Later, you can re-lock the limit.