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Setting Up the Project Parameters

To go to the project settings, hover over the Project Settings and select Parameters. 


On the Parameters page, you can change the name of the project, add or edit its description and specify the number of project crews. This parameter will help you track accruals for each unit.

On this page, you can also link the project from the Scheduling module. Learn more about these exports in this module. 


Planned / Actual Contractor View in the Cost Estimate
Next, you can set up the planned contractor view in the cost estimate. What does this mean? When adding a cost estimate (items), you can specify a Planned Contractor and it will be greyed out in the cost estimate.


Accordingly, you can disable/restore the view of planned contractors using this setting. 


Change the Planned Contractor to an Actual One
If this box is checked, the planned contractor will be displayed in the estimate only until actual payments/accruals under this item are made. Next, actual contractors under the item will be displayed in the planned contractor place, and they will be highlighted in black instead of grey.


If the item has payments and accruals for different contractors, the contractor with the largest amount of payments and accruals will be displayed as the actual one.


Enable Editing of Payment Numbers
The next checkbox will allow you to manually enter payment numbers (the corresponding field on the payment page will be unlocked), if necessary. If the box is not checked, payments will be numbered automatically by the system.


Setting Up the Reporting Parties
The following settings are required for the correct use of advance reports, including payments made by reporting parties. The contractor specified in this block and the amount of the Commission Fee will be automatically entered in payments created in the advance report.


By default, when adding a project, system settings for contractor are set as "commissionfee_system" and 8% rate. We recommend that you do not change these values, if not necessary. Learn more about virtual commission fee operations in this module. 


In this block, you can add and edit variables. Learn more about variables in this module. 


Project Dates
In the Project Dates block, you can set the scheduled start/end dates for the project. By setting such dates, you can later select them when adding a cost estimate, indicating, for example, that you plan to engage a director from the project start date to the project end date, and an administrator from the start date of the shooting period. Thus, by changing only one date at a later stage, you can recalculate the entire planned cost estimate of the project.


Project Milestones
In the Project Milestones block, the milestones of the project are specified:
PP (Preproduction Period);
SP (Shooting Period); 
PPP (Postproduction Period). 


These dates are required to allocate the amounts by items to the corresponding periods and display them in the relevant columns of the cost estimate.  


Home Page Selection
You can set up which page to display first when starting the project, i.e. select the home page. There are two options: The cost estimate or the summary project report.


Option 1. Cost Estimate 
Option 2. Summary Project Report