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Adding Shooting Day Costs

You can add shooting day costs on both the Accrued Costs page by clicking on Shooting Day Accrual and on the Add Shooting Day Costs page.


You can also add shooting day costs by clicking Add Costs. 


You will see a page where you can select the shooting day on top of it and add an accrual below by clicking Add Row. 


Fields to add the required data will pop up. If you want to add another accrual, you can do it, for example, by copying an existing accrual. To do so, click Copy on the right, or Add Row again. To save the accruals, click Save. 


If you have a project in the Scheduling module and you have linked it to a project in the Budgeting module, you will have additional buttons on top. Use them to open the production report and the daily resource usage sheet, and import such accruals. 


The calendar uses highlighted days, including days with accruals in the Budgeting module only (highlighted in green), days with shooting days in the Scheduling module only (highlighted in purple) and days with shooting days in the Scheduling module imported to the Budgeting module (highlighted in green with purple frame). 


To import shooting day accruals, click Import from Scheduling. 


The pop-up window will show accruals for resources with related items in the cost estimate (you can link items by importing data from the Scheduling module as described in more detail in this module) and accruals without related items (you can link them later).  This window will show names of the resources, their type and data imported from the resource usage sheet, namely the quantity, cost, commission fee and the final amount with the commission fee.


When importing, separate overtime accruals and additional payments with corresponding notes are also imported. Please note that overtime accruals are imported without an item, and you need to select it manually by clicking Select. 


You can select the required accruals using checkboxes and click Select to import.


Next, you need to enter the missing data, such as overtime and contractor items (if necessary). 


If necessary, you can change the imported data, enter the missing commission fee, change the item or contractor. 


To proceed, click Save. 


After saving, the accruals are grouped by parent items similar to the cost estimate. You can collapse them to make the information easier to read. 


If necessary, you can select some items using checkboxes and copy to another day, carry over or delete them by clicking Actions. 


The shooting day accrual form has the Autocomplete Accruals feature. If it is enabled, when entering an item, it will substitute the actual contractor or a planned contractor (if there are no contractors) and the commission fee (CF), if it is specified in the item's planned data. If you first add the contractor, the item will be submitted, but only if the contractor is actual or planned for one item only.