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Types of Items and their Values

After adding a new project/cost estimate (learn more about different ways to add a cost estimate in this module), you can edit existing items by setting planned costs and add new items. 


To edit an existing item, click on its title. To add a new item, use one of the following options:
- In the drop-down menu of any parent item, select Add Associated Item;
- In the drop-down menu of any associated item, select Add Preceding Item or Add Subsequent Item; 
- By clicking Add Item at the top of the cost estimate, if you decide to create a cost estimate template from scratch. In this case, top-level parent items will be added. 


In the pop-up window, specify the name of the item (the item is numbered automatically, but you can change the location of the item within the cost estimate later).


The Sheet field is optional and designed only to show if the cost item is included in the payroll or actor records (allowing you to receive information on payables to the unit and actors in various reports). 


Specify a cost type for a more detailed budgeting. There are five cost types:

  • Fixed Amount
  • Shooting Day Costs
  • Monthly Costs
  • Episode Costs
  • Daily Costs

Fixed Amount
If you indicate a fixed amount, it is assumed that under this item you have a blanket (fixed) agreement with the contractor, regardless of the term for the provision of services, number of episodes, etc. 
If necessary, enter the amount (rate) and the planned contractor to include this information in the cost estimate. 


You can also extend the calculation by specifying the number of employees, then the plan will be calculated based on this data. For example, if a rate of 10,000 RUB is applied to 5 employees, we understand that the planned costs for this item should not exceed 50,000 RUB. 


If necessary, specify the CF (commission fee) rate and click Save.


Shooting Day or Episode Costs
If the cost type is a shooting day cost or a episode cost, you need to understand how many shooting days or episodes, respectively, must be considered when planning the budget for the item. By default, a "SHOOTINGDAY" variable or an "EPISODE" variable specified in the project settings will be used. You can add or subtract as many episodes/shooting days as needed. You will also need to enter the Amount for an episode/shooting day and the number of employees or units. Similarly, you can specify the planned contractor and the Commission Fee.


Monthly or Daily Costs
Monthly Costs and Daily Costs can be recorded in two ways:


1. FIxed Amount. In this case, we select the number of days or months to accrue costs.
2. Allocation Dates. In this case, we indicate the start date and end date of the costs accrual in the relevant fields.  Here you can select the “fixed date” type and enter the dates manually or select the start/end dates for the project. You can specify them both in the project settings in the Project Dates block and here (manually).


After we add several main cost items, we can break them into smaller items (sub-items), move and lock them, etc. Learn more about this feature in this module.