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FilmToolz allows you to use variables when filling in an estimate – similar to how it happens when drawing up an estimate in Excel.


Once you create a variable, you can refer to it multiple times in different budget items. In addition, budget items can be used as variables, and we will discuss this in more detail below.


The list of variables is located on the Project settings – Parameters page, and you can add your own variables or edit the available ones. 


Systemic Variables
Basically, when creating a new project in FilmToolz, the system creates 5 systemic variables: 

- SERIES – number of project series, which is set by the user; later you can edit this variable on the project settings page;

- SHOOTING DAYS – scheduled number of shooting days; the value is set by the user when creating a project and can subsequently be edited on the project settings page;

- TOTAL – automatically generated total amount of the estimate (less the commission fee); not edited by the user;

- CF – automatically generated total amount of the commission fee; not edited by the user

- TOTAL with CF – automatically generated total amount of the estimate with the commission fee; not edited by the user. 


Adding Variables
When adding a variable, specify its name, one word (in Cyrillic) without spaces. In the Comment field, you can explain what this variable means (for example: “number of days on the expedition”). In the Formula field, you can enter either a fixed value of the variable (any number), or enter a formula with reference to other variables, for example: SHOOTING DAYS+10, SERIES*2, etc. In this case, the system will show you the estimated value obtained as a result of calculations as per the formula at the moment.


Use of Variables in the Estimate
Variables are used when drawing up estimates; you can add them to the fields marked with a special icon in the form for editing the estimate items. Click on the field and start typing the first letters of the variable name in the drop-down list.


In addition to the variables, you can also select links to other items, when using them in calculations. For example, the item "overtime School" can be calculated as the value of the item "School" multiplied by 10%.


In order to select a cost item as a variable, enter its name as No. 4_10_1 (Item 4.10.1), or start typing the name of the item, and the system will show the desired value. Please note that two variables are suggested for each item: one with a commission fee, the other – without it. 


You can add, multiply and perform other mathematical operations with formulas. For example, if item 4.10.1 has hotel expenses, 4.10.2 – ticket expenses, 4.10.3 – expedition meals expenses, and in 4.10.4 you want to include contingencies in the amount of 10% of the above three items, you need to enter the following formula in the Amount field: (No. 4_10_1 + No. 4_10_2 + No. 4_10_3) * 0.1;


After entering the formula in a box, the system automatically calculates its current value and displays it under the box. 


Deleting and Editing the Variables
If you want to change the value of any variable, go to the project settings page and click its name. You can delete a variable here, whereas the system will not allow you to delete a variable already included in the cost estimate. 


Adding Variables from the Item Editing Form
In addition to adding variables on the project settings page, you can also add them by clicking the "+" sign to the right of the field with the corresponding icon during editing of any item. 


All operations with variables can also be performed at the Cost Estimate page. To do this, select Project Variables in the Actions with Cost Estimate section.


If your cost estimate is blocked, there will be two tables with variables on the Project Settings page or in the Project Variables pop-up window. One refers to the Costs Limit, the other to the Forecast. In both, you can add, edit and delete variables.