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Updating Data from the Scheduling Module

If you imported data from the Scheduling module to the Budgeting module, you can update (reimport) it later. To update the items with the associated items in the Scheduling module, check the items’ boxes and select Update from the Scheduling Module in the Group Actions menu.


A table will open. Budget columns will show the current data in the items, and Plan columns will show new data from the Scheduling module. 


Grey colour marks items without associated items in the Scheduling module. Learn more about items linking in this module. 


You can select the exact data that you need in the cost estimate. For example, cost type (fixed or shooting day), number of shooting days, total quantity and CF. To do so, click on the arrow next to the required value.


In addition, you can enter CFs, shooting days and quantity for all items. To do so, click on the arrow next to the name in the header. The default values are Days by Shooting Schedule and Average Quantity. 


Next, you can enter new values directly in this table, if you are not happy with the values from the Scheduling module.


In this table, you can also select the data you want to update. To do so, you need to uncheck the boxes (by default, they are all checked for new data) for values that you do not want to update. When updating is completed, click Import. 


The cost estimate will update.