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Commission Fee View Modes

There are four Commission Fee view modes in the cost estimate. Let us explore each of them. 


To change the CF mode, select the desired one in the drop-down list above the cost estimate. 


Columns Mode 
In this mode, CFs are displayed as a percentage and an amount in separate columns for each item. Thus, you see amounts without the Commission Fee in the Plan/Forecast, Accrued and Paid sections, the Commission Fee and then the Amount with Commission Fee column.


Sub-Total Mode 
In this mode, the Commission Fee is displayed as a final row in each group of high-level items (1, 2, 3, etc.). 


Total Mode
In this mode, the total Commission Fee of the project is displayed as a single amount in a separate row of the cost estimate (Commission Fee and Taxes) after all items. 


Inside Items mode 
In this mode, the CF is included in each item, i.e. the amounts in the Plan, Accrued and Paid value for each item will include the CF.