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Updating the Call Time

It is quite common that after you save a call sheet, the time for the elements, characters, and actors has not yet been set, and the respective fields are empty. 


Or it may be that a saved shooting day have been adjusted via the shooting schedule. In this case, the first adjustment will trigger a warning indicating that the call sheet has already been saved, and the time for actors and elements will not be recalculated.


After entering data on the actors’ and characters’ pages...


... or in the shooting day elements settings... 


... you can update the arrival time on the call sheet page.

To do so, select “Recalculate call time” in the “More” drop-down menu.


The window displayed on the screen will show tables containing old and updated data.

By default, the ticks will be put only in the rows containing changes in this window. 

In order to avoid scrolling down the entire list of elements looking for changes, you can select “Display only changes”  

You can tick the rows or cells that need to be updated.

You can also use this window to specify the correct time, if it has not been set or has to be adjusted.

After you make the selection, click on “Recalculate the time or “Recalculate the time and save call sheet”.

Then the data in the relevant rows will be updated.


If everything is correct, save the call sheet and continue working with it.